In 2021 eight people were awarded an honorary doctorate.
The Faculty of Theology awarded the title of doctor theologiae honoris causa to Ms. Judith Corinna Wipfler, Basel.The Faculty of Law awarded the title of doctor iuris honoris causa to Prof. Dr. Ludwig Krämer, Madrid, ES.This year, the Faculty of Medicine awarded the title of doctor medicinae honoris causa to Ms. Anne-Françoise Auberson Nordmann, Crésuz.The Vetsuisse Faculty awarded the title of doctor medicinae veterinariae honoris causa to Prof. Dr. Cory Brayton, Baltimore/US.The Faculty of Humanities awarded the title of doctor philosophiae honoris causa to Ms. Tina Turner, Küsnacht.The Faculty of Business, Economics and Social Sciences awarded the title of doctor rerum oeconomicarum honoris causa to Prof. Dr. h.c. mult. Sirkka L. Jarenpaa, Austin/US.The Faculty of Human Sciences awarded the title of doctor philosophiae honoris causa to Prof. Dr. Heleen Riper, Amsterdam/NL.The Faculty of Science awarded the title of doctor philosophiae honoris causa to PD Dr., Dr. h. c. Valérie Masson-Delmotte, Gif-sur-Yvette Cédex/FR.